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LPC1114 Bootloader

NXP's LPC1114 chips (and some others) come with a built-in bootloader. So it's no longer neccessary to upload such a bootloader to factory fresh chips, like it was neccessary with the AVR ATmegas.

Connecting to the Bootloader Manually

Even with a factory fresh chip, you can connect to the chip using a serial terminal (PuTTY, GtkTerm, …).

  • Connect the USB-TTL adapter as usual. You should get an additional serial port on your host's operating system. Baud rate doesn't matter, I've tested 9600 and 115200 baud.
  • Connect with the serial terminal to this port.
  • Connect PIO0_1 to GND. On the Gen7-ARM, this is also the Z axis Step signal.
  • Press and release the Reset button.
  • In the serial terminal, enter a question mark (?, 0x3F).
  • The LPC1114 should answer with “Synchronized” in clear text.
  • Send back the same text (“Synchronized”), followed by Enter.
  • The LPC1114 should answer with OK.

… etc. etc. The protocol is described on p408ff of the LPC1114 User Manual.

If you don't get a response from the chip, press Reset again and start over. If it still doesn't work, it's time to grab the voltage meter or logic analyzer to find out what's going on.

Basic example

Here's a transscript of the first successful attempt to upload a firmware:

$ git svn clone
$ cd lpc21isp/
$ make
$ ./lpc21isp -control -bin /tmp/build3402789950117874614.tmp/Blink.cpp.bin \
  /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 12000
lpc21isp version 1.85
File /tmp/build3402789950117874614.tmp/Blink.cpp.bin:
  image size : 9752
Image size : 9752
Synchronizing (ESC to abort). OK
Read bootcode version: 1
Read part ID: LPC1114.../102, 32 kiB ROM / 4 kiB SRAM (0x1A40902B)
Will start programming at Sector 1 if possible, and conclude with Sector 0 to ensure that checksum is written last.
Erasing sector 0 first, to invalidate checksum. OK 
Sector 1: ...........................|.........................|.........................|.........................
Sector 2: ...........................|.............
Sector 0: ..........................|.........................|.........................|.........................
Download Finished... taking 1 seconds
Now launching the brand new code
lpc1114_bootloader.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/27 16:10 (external edit)